GRAISEA 2 – OXFAM and PT. Alter Trade Indonesia (PT. ATINA)
- Feb 08, 2019
Gender Transformative and Responsible Agribusiness Investments in South East Asia (GRAISEA) is a regional programme which is funded by the Embassy of Sweden in Bangkok aims to overcome barriers to development through responsible, gender transformative value chains and private sector investments.
1. Improved voice, agency and confidence of women.
2. Enhanced skills and capacity of women.
3. More positive social norms, gender dynamics & more equal distribution of unpaid care work.
4. Increased economic opportunities, policy that creates an enabling environment for Woman Economic Empowerment.
PT. ATINA, working together with OXFAM in GRAISEA 2 will pursue three strands of work.
Support will be provided to the development of sustainable shrimp aquaculture that integrates women’s economic empowerment and climate change.
Other highlights from the GRAISEA 2 activity plan include:
• The incorporation of climate resilience into all activities through the use of a multi-stakeholder climate risk assessment that develops a common understanding of climate change projections and how risk is spread along the value chain.
• The strengthening of producer groups to attain compliance with Asian Seafood Improvement Collaborative standards.
• The development of a taskforce comprised of farmers, companies, civil society and government to support the ongoing sustainable development of the sector
• The connection to a new women’s entrepreneurs’ platform that facilitates access to other sources of support, connecting them to sources of finance