Our News & Event

Employee Capacity Building..

  • Jan 31, 2020

We are aware that increasing Human Resources is important for the sustainability of the company. Investment in the intellectual field is needed to improve and suppor..

Evacuation Training and Simulation of Fire and Natural Disasters..

  • Jan 25, 2019

Fires and natural disasters can occur at any time and cause disruption of productivity, equipment damage, workplace environment and other negative impacts that may ..

Inhouse Training HACCP..

  • Feb 17, 2019

PT. ALTER TRADE INDONESIA's Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points Training which was followed by all Quality Control staff was conducted on 12 and 13 February ..

Asian Seafood Improvement Collaborative..

  • Mar 06, 2019

The Asian Seafood Improvement Collaborative (ASIC) is a burgeoning regional collaboration between private sector stakeholders from Indonesia, Myanmar, the Philippin..

GRAISEA 2 – OXFAM and PT. Alter Trade Indonesia (PT. ATINA)..

  • Feb 08, 2019

Gender Transformative and Responsible Agribusiness Investments in South East Asia (GRAISEA) is a regional programme which is funded by the Embassy of Sweden in Bang..

Improvement Productivity of Farming..

  • Jan 03, 2019

Traditional farms that are managed from generation to generation by promoting environmentally friendly cultivation without using additional food and chemicals, this ..

ATINA- OXFAM Collaboration..

  • Nov 29, 2018

The economic improvement of pond communities is very important to continue environmentally friendly cultivation, the role of the younger generation and women in dev..

Lecture of Ecoshrimp..

  • Nov 29, 2018

Increasing sustainable cultivation results according to Ecoshrimp standards shall be understood and implemented by all members of Ecoshrimp pond farmers. PT. ATINA ..

Medical Check Up (MCU) Eemployees..

  • Oct 09, 2018

The Employee Health Examination Program takes place every year as part of government regulation to monitor the health conditions of employees as well as the Company&..

73rd Anniversary of Indonesian Independence..

  • Aug 25, 2018

Commemorating the 73rd Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia, the big family of PT. Alter Trade Indonesia organizes various activities aimed at making ATINA ..

Our Ocean Conference 2018..

  • Nov 22, 2018

PT. Alter Trade Indonesia actively participated on the fifth Our Ocean Conference in Bali on 29 and 30 October 2018 hosted by the Government of the Republic of Indo..

pt. alter trade indonesia once again fosters caring and concern for others

Caring and Concern..

  • Oct 15, 2018

PT. Alter Trade Indonesia once again fosters caring and concern for others, for earthquake victims in Palu and Donggala, Central Sulawesi Our concern is the only hop..